1. reno9


    Hi,just back from working in New York lived there for years.
  2. reno9


    Do not want a drunk man pestering me thank you,I like the more romantic type.They are ten a penny at weddings think they are gods gift, sadly most are mistaken.That could be why i am single but happy.
  3. reno9


    I want a new version, but thank you, been looking at a T V R to run around in but still undecided.I work weekends singing at weddings , they pay well but all the blokes after a few drinks come on to you.They have no chance I am very fussy.
  4. reno9


    Still not bought anything, just renting at the moment. What do I fancy, sports car or freelander both.
  5. reno9


    Looked at a few Jeeps but not bought one, might get another freelander.I seem to have a lot of followers .I will put a picture up when i get one.
  6. reno9


    Yes a lot of strange people on certain forums.A lot are just little jingles or whatever i can think off.You can make money just selling your songs and get no royalties ,I find its better for me that way, some get a advance before you write but you have to pay it back.
  7. reno9


    Sometimes royalties, usually im paid just to write a lot of songs for different things, I lived in the States so thats where the company who buys them is based.You can sell online to Artists also.
  8. reno9


    Thank you, I was going to buy a new one, the song writing paying very well at the moment.
  9. reno9


    Just sold my Freelander, looking for a Wrangler Jeep.
  10. reno9


    A lot of views but not a lot say Hi.
  11. reno9


    I will put a picture up if i can of me performing, dont no which section , so might be on this one.
  12. reno9


    Thank you Stanley I was wondering what was going on.
  13. reno9


    Thank you, I am single by choice, always working and on the road in England and Abroad.
  14. reno9


    Well that would be nice. what is on offer for eye candy.
  15. reno9


    Hi, I am reno, 45 year lady, singer/songwriter .like cars etc