1. E

    Broken ird

    Yes I imagined its going to be pretty heavy. Thanks for the advice
  2. E

    Broken ird

    That's good to know , I won't get to have a go till next weekend tho but will be great if I can get that last bolt cracked. With the sub frame gone should be plenty of room to get the old one out. I'm going to source a second hand replacement and convert to 2 wheel drive.
  3. E

    Broken ird

    Thanks for your replies , I'll try access from outside the car , I was thinking on removing wheel liners but not sure if this will help much. I'll try searching on Google again too. I've several extensions including wobble bars so fingers crossed. The u,js have their place but I've also found...
  4. E

    Broken ird

    Well after a bit of struggling I've made a bit of progress with my td4 getting the ird out. I decided to remove the front suspension beam after all and all the bolts and joints behaved , the first top bolt on the unit was way more accessible but my problem now is that fourth top bolt furthest...
  5. E

    Broken Ird unit

    I'll take a look. If it's just the beam maybe I'll give it a go as the ird will drop down better too. I've not even looked to see the top gearbox bolts yet but I'm expecting it to be tricky
  6. E

    Broken Ird unit

    It looks like the subframe shouldn't be in the way to remove to me. The 10mm bolts are on the drive shaft end holding a support bracket. I'm not sure if this bracket has to be removed to allow the ird to pull back far enough to release from the gearbox. Thanks for your reply
  7. E

    Broken Ird unit

    Hi,I'm hoping someone can help me out here. My ird unit on my td4 2002 has destroyed itself and my plan was to replace and convert to 2 wheel drive. I've removed the prop and the off side driveshaft, I was hoping to take the brackets off and just undo the gearbox side but it's become a bit...