1. S

    Rolling chassis trailer build. Head scratching

    Hello, Building an overland trailer. At design stage. Thinking most time efficient build would be a strengthened caravan mounted to a 4x4 rolling chassis with A-frame welded to front of chassis, plus brakes hitch linked to handbrake mechanism on both axles. I've towed with a braked A-frame many...
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    Series 1 Station Wagon?

    The roads are gritted today why was it out. I sense I'll never see it again
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    Series 1 Station Wagon?

    Phwoa mind is currently blown. Beautiful machines. Born in wrong generation I was. Yes tottot I'd seen the pickup versions. But 100 percent certain was not a hardtop I saw today. Definately second row doors. May have had rear windows may not of It was a fraction of a second glance and shouting...
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    Series 1 Station Wagon?

    But did not have the rearmost windows in the body if memory serves me right. Literally saw it out the corner of my eye whilst entering a roundabout
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    Series 1 Station Wagon?

    Oh yes indeed I'm in love with my future second wife
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    Series 1 Station Wagon?

    Begins looking for one to buy....🙂
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    Series 1 Station Wagon?

    Hello, Driving near Glenrothes, fife, Scotland, this late afternoon, and I swear I saw a series 1 107 station wagon painted in grey. Surely my eyes were deceiving me but it definately had a square series 1 ear end and secondary doors. Wasn't aware any had ever been made Would have turned...
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    Top Quality M57 Conversion. NOT. How not to do it guys.

    Seems to be an obsession with auto boxes. I hate them myself and would without a doubt have a manual. Simplest and least costly conversion strategy appears to be buy a vehicle with gearbox and engine already together. Buy proven engine mounting kit for your chassis. A conversion plate from...
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    Top Quality M57 Conversion. NOT. How not to do it guys.

    Would be interesting to know why, maybe violates some rules
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    Top Quality M57 Conversion. NOT. How not to do it guys.

    Out of interest what's the going rate for a good job these days?
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    Series 3 109 engine conversion BMW M57 6cyl diesel

    So up to this point We have not located someone who's put an M57 in a series A 6cyl chassis and bulkhead are different Possibility of building a series body onto a defender rolling chassis Axles brakes suspension and steering to remain original, though possibility of upgrades brakes. More...
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    Series 3 109 engine conversion BMW M57 6cyl diesel

    Yes mounts can be fabricated no problem Would have been ideal if someone had already done all the fiddling and had more info regarding position of engine / box relative to front grill.
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    Series 3 109 engine conversion BMW M57 6cyl diesel

    The opinion was based on an image in mind of buying a modern jeep with similar engine power figures. Been there done it with an X5. Never again. If the original post meant a classic keep then I've misinterpreted the post but can't see the context given the thread is about modern engine into an...
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    Series 3 109 engine conversion BMW M57 6cyl diesel

    Noted re the 6cyl chassis and bulkhead. Sounds logical this would be the least time consuming method Just to be clear though the actual time requirements to drop in a BMW engine and BMW manual gear box with conversion adapter to an LT230 are literally as fast as mounts can be fabricated and...
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    Series 3 109 engine conversion BMW M57 6cyl diesel

    Aware of the points system Not intending to build or drive an unsafe vehicle Interesting idea regarding a defender with series body. Now that may be an option and means off the shelf conversion components can be sourced. Noted, thanks. MOT / tax exemption / historic status is at the bottom...
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    Series 3 109 engine conversion BMW M57 6cyl diesel

    Personal hunch is declare all to insurance company and if they are happy, that's the main thing
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    Series 3 109 engine conversion BMW M57 6cyl diesel

    I see the 6cyl chassis has the cross member moved rearwards and it appears there's a special bulkhead with more space for gearbox. Very useful info thanks for highlighting that idea