1. S

    Evil halfshaft's

    Pulling out the fuel tank tomorrow, leaks fuel when filled to the brim, so i'll need all the luck the old girl will give me. It's either the tank or if i'm lucky the filler hose is cracked. more worried about losing my typing finger than anything else!!! It's at times like this i wish it was a...
  2. S

    Evil halfshaft's

    Well lady luck was sure smiling on me today, removed the longer side, totally fine, remember this being the weak one as theres more stress on it, pop off the other side and the hole thing comes away in my hand, broken off at the hub, exxxcellent!!! even came out easy, what more can i say...
  3. S

    Evil halfshaft's

    Thank's all I'm hoping that i'll be able to use a cracked spar from one of my flexifoil kites to poke out the left over's. I'll let you know how it goes, best pick up another tub of swarfiga!!!!
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    Evil halfshaft's

    Howdy all,Here's the deal, broke my halfshaft and it's been a very long time since i last replaced one(10yrs) and that wasn't mine, always been lucky i suppose, the question being is if i pull the shafts out at the back and lady luck smiles on me and it's broke away from the diff will i need to...
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    Please! Please! Please! Help Me!

    Is there no way that you can get your parent's to insure the beast and have you as a named driver, this is fine aslong as it's their name on the v5 and they drive it more than you (nudge, nudge etc), if this is not practicable(?) my policy is with snowball insurance, you could try them. I think...
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    Had my first Landrover at 18 (2A 2.25petrol) insurance with the NFU was £480 third party only, Was 8 years ago now (damn it where did the time go) so will have gone up a bit i reckon, as far as the lady's go i never had any prob's, 5 ladys in the back with lucky mate, and another 2 in the...
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    Please! Please! Please! Help Me!

    Join the NFU, and get cheap insurance, @17 it was the only place i could get a decent quote from on my series2, others didnt want to know or gave me silly quotes, may aswell have bought a gti golf.
  8. S

    Hi All!

    Well i'm back in the land of the Landrover after a few years away, why? not sure, just love the old girl's, bought a LWB diesel 2a with a sherpa engine, only driven petrol series before so look forward to better fuel economy (got 38mpg on the motorway bringing her home @ a steady 65:) ). Finally...