1. W

    D1 bonnet lettering

    How much are you looking at? I'm going to need to do mine as well and was also wondering about the decals. Please share any solutions you discover.
  2. W

    Disco 2 Sunroof opening misshapen??

    I had the same problem. My seals came from Craddock and I was of the opinion that they were too stiff rather than too fat. I solved it by completely slackening off the bolts that hold the glass to the track runners. I then closed the window so that the pins at the back latched into the runner...
  3. W

    Sealing up Discovery 2 sunroof

    I recently replaced both my seals, and the cracked drain points and cleaned out the pipes with compressed air, recovered the headliner, put it all back and it still leaks! I bought my seals from Craddock and in my opinion they are too hard to seal properly. They were also difficult to fit...