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    2022 Defender Diesel - How To Connect Ctek Battery Conditioner?

    I asked Ctek directly and got this reply from a 'Technical Operations Manger': "The main difference for standard and AGM is that standard charges batteries at 14.4v and AGM charges at 14.7v This does not do anything to the battery if you put the wrong charge cycle on"
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    2022 Defender Diesel - How To Connect Ctek Battery Conditioner?

    That's good to know, yes it's a Ctek :-)
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    2022 Defender Diesel - How To Connect Ctek Battery Conditioner?

    Thanks re AGM info and charging points, good to know. Actually it's not my car, I'm just storing it for someone, which is why I know nothing about it! I've now discovered the battery lives under the driver's seat so I'll have a look at that and hopefully be able to see whether it's AGM or not.
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    2022 Defender Diesel - How To Connect Ctek Battery Conditioner?

    Could someone please advise a Defender newbie regarding connecting a Ctek battery conditioner to a 2022 Defender 3.0 diesel? My main question is, does it have an AGM battery? As AGM is a different setting to a “standard” car battery on the Ctek unit. Also, just to double check that the charging...