1. G

    D2 TD5 Air in fuel System

    Was this ever resolved?
  2. G

    TD5 Head Gasket?

    Thanks for the suggestion. What would cause the block to not be flat? I don't believe the head has ever been off in the past and its not overheated. Could this happen over time due to heat cycles? Thanks, Ben
  3. G

    TD5 Head Gasket?

    Yep, lost around 250 ml on my 10 mile commute this morning
  4. G

    TD5 Head Gasket?

    I just pressure tested the cooling system and that held pressure for 20 mins with no leaks. I do have a compression tester, how would I go about this test on the TD5? Is it as simple as pulling the glow plugs, disconnecting injector loom, then cranking with the compression tester on each cylinder??
  5. G

    TD5 Head Gasket?

    Looks like it was a transmission fluid warning 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️ Should have done my research before looking like a plonker 😂 Really appreciate your help :) I'll top up the coolant again to that seam and monitor how much it drains over the next couple of days :)
  6. G

    TD5 Head Gasket?

    Tried to attach image but didnt work. Please see the following link for an example...
  7. G

    TD5 Head Gasket?

    Thanks for the reply Tom, I don't have an aftermarket coolant level sensor installed atm. I assumed this light meant low coolant but will happily be corrected :)
  8. G

    TD5 Head Gasket?

    Hey forum, I've got a TD5 and the coolant level indicator light came on at the weekend. I topped it up with around 1.5 litres of water and after a 30 odd mile trip, it had emptied the expansion tank again. After starting it the following morning, I noticed a considerable amount of white smoke...
  9. G

    TD5 Mysterious Coolant Leak?

    Hey forum, I've got a Discovery 2 TD5 and the coolant level indicator light came on at the weekend. I topped it up with around 1.5 litres of water and after a 30 odd mile trip, it had emptied the expansion tank again. After starting it the following morning, I noticed a considerable amount of...
  10. G

    Acceleration Lag Discovery 4 3.0 SDV6?!?

    Hello forum, I have a 2012 Discovery 4 SDV6 which suffers from “lag” when setting off from stationary. I had it mapped by Alive Tuning to resolve this issue however it didn’t appear to make much difference. I have since tried 2 new MAF sensors which also didn’t resolve the problem. Any advice...