1. R

    What the heck is up with bleeding the clutch?!

    Well that is a long story.... in a nutshell it's not my vehicle. I am a marine mechanic on the Greek island of corfu, and the car belongs to a customer who also happens to own a garage in the UK. He managed to fit an incorrect slave to get him out of a bind (parts are hard to find here), and I...
  2. R

    What the heck is up with bleeding the clutch?!

    Well I have searched here, and my skills are poor as I've found a bit but nothing conclusive! Apparently a common problem, new cutch slave cylinder and flip me with a flipping stick, this thing doesn't want to bleed!! Gravity bleed - fail. Vacuum bleed (repeatedly) - fail. Pressure bleed (thank...
  3. R

    What's leaking into my glow plug hole?!

    I've decided that seeing as I'm this far in, it's going off for a crack test - kind of seems daft not to bother. Thanks for your replies Lynall :)
  4. R

    What's leaking into my glow plug hole?!

    Thanks Lynall. Still concerned with the puddle of fluid in the crown of the piston - something is leaking into there. Yeah, second car used on the island of Corfu, no motorways or fast roads here! Short runs everywhere, and only occasional use. Great machine for the off road olive groves though...
  5. R

    What's leaking into my glow plug hole?!

    Pulled the head for a head gasket... slightly worried about the wet stain around the #3 glow plug hole, and puddle in the crown of the cylinder... Cracked head? Anyone seen this before?