1. W

    L322 Moderators please delete this thread

    thought I had a transmission fluid leak, turned out to be diesel running behind the cooler!!!
  2. W

    passenger side front window not working

    Hi, looking at your picture and reading your thread I would be suspicious of the earth point at the bottom of the A pillar, the fact that you get a click and then nothing would sound like a connection not working under load and on your picture I can see that at least one of the wires is showing...
  3. W

    Low voltage problem

    I firmly believe that the entire problem started with the sunroof drain leaks, these will be on my regular check-list from now on
  4. W

    Low voltage problem

    SUCCESS!!! many thanks for your input, whilst the ignition switch was performing correctly my attention turned to the connector (many thanks to Mark Piercy) with the help of a torch I checked the connectors and they were quite corroded, small brass brush and managed to return them to copper...
  5. W

    Low voltage problem

    ignition barrel removed split and tested, pins 2 and 6 show perfect connection on both position 1 and position 2.....the search continues.
  6. W

    Low voltage problem

    voltage is good on battery and most of the rest of the car, 12.8v standing and 13.8v with engine running looks very much that way, can't be all that hard to swap out (optimistic as always)
  7. W

    Low voltage problem

    Hi guys, Land Rover, Range Rover vogue 2005 3.0 having been chasing faults all over the vehicle windscreen wipers radio dashboard indicator repeaters brake lights stuck on constant "P" light I ran diagnostics and the only consistent fault is a auxiliary fuse error on the body control module, I...
  8. W

    L322 Odd 'alarm' sound

    I could be a mile off the mark, but when the Body Control Module loses power it will sound off for about 30 seconds (sound is like a constant alarm sound) I had this happen on my L322 and it turned out to be a loose harness fitting under the passenger seat, quick click and it never happened again
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    Many Thanks, its all very true. the difference between love and hate is the ability to walk away and consume coffee....on oh so many occasions!!
  10. W


    Hi Everybody Been trawling through this forum for a couple of years, I have found it very useful so I thought id better register and say Hi. Expect to see a lot of me as I have the Range Rover 2005 Vogue complete with ALL the faults, leaky sunroof drains, steering column electrics, gearbox etc...