1. MountieMike

    P38A Inexpensive sub woofer fix

    I applaud anyone who does stuff like that and makes a good job of it. Not much chance in my case...:)
  2. MountieMike

    P38A Inexpensive sub woofer fix

    Mine's a 2000 HK system but looks like they used a different approach to amplification. Think mine also has amps in the doors. Looks like this will be an even easier job for you, not having to bond the amp to the backs of the speakers.
  3. MountieMike

    P38A Inexpensive sub woofer fix

    Yeah the enclosure looks the same as mine, just without the bit on the side.
  4. MountieMike

    P38A Inexpensive sub woofer fix

    Yeah the amp and a massive heatsink was screwed to the back of the two speakers on mine. But, looking at the remaining surplus OE speaker in my hand right now, it looks the same as yours. And from the bits of the enclosure I can see in your pics that looks the same too. So I'm guessing the...
  5. MountieMike

    P38A Inexpensive sub woofer fix

    Just thought I'd post about the inexpensive subwoofer fix I've just done on my P38. As is typical, one of the speakers in the subwoofer was shredded. I found this replacement on Amazon for twenty quid each. They have the same impedance and drop into the spaces in the subwoofer enclosure like...