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    Running on Kerasine

    Cheers for all the info/arguments/etc... So what I think you're all telling me is that if I add some lube to the Kerasine I should be o.k and my Landy will run on it without breaking down. P.S Customs, shmustoms, I live in the back & beyond in deepest darkest yorkshire! :p
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    Running on Kerasine

    I have a 2000 disco auto, previously i had a toyota hilux surf and i ran it on kerasine in emergancies. i was just wouldering if any had run there disco on this at any time. it is 28 seconds the same viscosity as desiel
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    facelift problems

    Hi yes may be interested for 180 is that with the grill aswell. My brother lives in st Albans I could kill two birds with one stone. Thanks
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    Auto Box Shift TD5 2004

    Hi, i was just looking at past problems trying to find an answer to my gearbox problem, i came across yours it sounds very similar to mine. i was reading what answers you received from other people and wondered if you solved the problem? thanks
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    Gear box issues with Automatic

    Hi, just a quick question...when I put my foot down to accelerate hard or up hill, it's like the gearbox can't find the gear and instead it rocks into a revving rhythm and doesn't get any faster. But if I ease off the accelerator and push it down slowly, it seems O.K. Any ideas/advice? Does it...
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    facelift problems

    I've just bought a Landrover Discovery TD5 2000 Auto and I'm loving it! I recently purchased the facelift lights off ebay and was looking for a facelift bumper also. Wondering if anybody has any ideas where I could get a bumper from? Cheers.