1. Hound62

    Fuel problems

    Hi Thanks for the help so far still no joy I replaced the fuel lift pipe as suggested but it still stops like its running out of fuel when I've only used around £30 of diesel. When I fill it up it runs fine again until about the same amount has been used again. Any ides Thanks Gary
  2. Hound62

    Fuel problems

    Hi Thanks for that. Not sure how big a job it is but seems the best place to start Thanks...
  3. Hound62

    Fuel problems

    Hi I'm new to the site and looking for help. When I fill my landrover up it will only Run for around 75 to a 100 miles before spluttering like its out of diesel and coming to a stop, it will restart but revs pick up and down still like its running out of fuel. When I fill it up it runs fine...