1. soap94

    Moving my car from Ukraine

    Thanks for that, I will check it of course. I also noticed there is something called MOT check. Is it obligatory for everyone, even foreigners? And how can I check my mot? Also, as far as I understand valid MOT certificate doesn't guarantee that your car is roadworthy, so you should still...
  2. soap94

    Moving my car from Ukraine

    :D Kyiv is more or less calm right now so wouldn't call it a warzone :D but yeah, still happy to re-locate and join the community. Me and my husband are looking for Discovery but we haven't yet set a budget threshold .So I will keep reading and going through the forum
  3. soap94

    Moving my car from Ukraine

    Hello dear members of the forum! I have recently moved from Kyiv to London and considering to purchase my first LR. Happy to join the community