1. H

    Perkins or not?

    I can't work out how to show pictures on here. If I go to the "Upload a file" thingy it tells me I've not got permission to use it, or something like that. Is there always so many adds on here? I'm struggling to make sense of it. I'm fairly new to computers. I'm sure it's easy once you know...
  2. H

    Perkins or not?

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  4. H

    Perkins or not?

    Thanks for the link knappster. I've got a feeling that I won't be able to keep money in my pocket long enough for it to reach body temperature anymore.
  5. H

    Perkins or not?

    The landy will be getting striped down to it chassis, before to long, for some much needed attention. Given that I have a complete 2.25 and gearbox I'm leaning towards that. Mainly for a more original vehicle. From what I've heard the perkins is great if you are towing heavy trailers and off...
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    Perkins or not?

    Thanks for your thoughts fellas. I'm still not sure what model perkins it is, I will let you know when I find out.
  7. H

    Perkins or not?

    Thanks for the welcome fellas. I'm not sure what perkins it is at the moment, but its not got a turbo. I'll try to identify the engine later on. Years of muck and not knowing exactly what area to clean have delayed that so far. I also joined the series 2 club last night. I haven't asked about...
  8. H

    Perkins or not?

  9. H

    Perkins or not?

    Gday everyone I'm new on here and would like to get some advice about the series2 I have. Its got a perkins diesel fitted at the moment. I have a 2.25 petrol engine that I'm thinking of fitting back in it. I plan on using the landy for.....you know, stuff. I don't want it as a work horse, but...