1. M

    Indicator problems

    It's a 88 plate 90 with a 200 disco TDI and they're wipac led indicators of that makes any difference
  2. M

    Indicator problems

    So after a bit of fun in the mud when I indicate left or right all of them come on, I was told it might be a bad earth so I've checked the resistance on the earth's the front two have about 1 ohm and the rear two have between 2-3 I'm guessing the rears have a longer wire. Any ideas?
  3. M

    Tinting Series Windows

    Pretty Chavvy but I think it'll look alright, but as my name suggests I'm a bit of a C**T.
  4. M

    Tinting Series Windows

    Yeah I suppose it's a bit chavvy, this is my first Landy Project but old habits die hard I guess.
  5. M

    Tinting Series Windows

    It's a 90 not a series, the series doors were put on to give a bit more leg room, so not a chavvy as ruining an actual series with tints.
  6. M

    Tinting Series Windows

    I've got a pair of sliding windows series doors on my 90 and I'm think of tinting the windows on them, DVLA says that the front windows have to let 70% of light through so I'm probably going to go for 25% because of the imperfections in glass will stop some light. The question is, as the two...
  7. M

    Clutch Problem

    Hi, Thanks for your quick replies, going to check the hose this morning. Couldn't see any noticeable bits of black in the res last night.
  8. M

    Clutch Problem

    Hi, Just bought my old man's 90 off him, it's an 88 plate 90 with a 200tdi, LT77 box with LT230 transfer box. When you depress the clutch pedal it stays down for 2-3 seconds for coming back up, it will happily go in to gear and drive and it seemed to take less time for the pedal to come back up...