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    Defender 90 TD5 Fuel Whine - HELP PLEASE

    Hi All Thanks again for all the posts. The whine seems to have quietened down, to a low "wasp" type of noise. Have been told, by a garage that it is the pump, and could last 3 days or 3 years. I think will just run it and play it by ear. Lets hope it will rain for a muddy weekend!!!
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    Defender 90 TD5 Fuel Whine - HELP PLEASE

    Steve Thanks. Will check out the airflow meter angle - am presuming that this will be cheaper to sort that the fuel pump. I wish now that I had put back on the old fuel filter just to see if the whine went away - anyway thanks for your post. BTW - nice truck ;) Rob
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    Defender 90 TD5 Fuel Whine - HELP PLEASE

    Griff Cheers man - perhaps I will leave it a little while and see if dies (sods law it will when I am setting out at 4am), or it rectifies itself. The sound is like a fly - perhaps a fly swat right against the filter will sort it - damn whine!!! Thanks for your post. Rob
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    Defender 90 TD5 Fuel Whine - HELP PLEASE

    Jim Thanks for the information. :o I did try what you suggested and there is still the whine. Have tightened up as much as I can the filter. Looks like it might have to go to the garage to see if they can determine if there is an air leak - but have a feeling they might say - you need a...
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    Defender 90 TD5 Fuel Whine - HELP PLEASE

    Hi Just need your thoughts on this one: Had fuel filter changed on my TD5 Defender, as light came up on dash "water in fuel". Immediately that the fuel filter was put on, and was primed, there was an audiable whine, for perhaps 30 secs, then a click from dash, and the whine was gone. There...