1. J

    Disco 5 thud sound on slow uphill

    Finally fixed. Changed oil (dealer said it was dirty, only 25k miles!) in front and rear differentials and transfer case. Total cost £600! I'm sure it would be less than half if used a non-LR dealer.
  2. J

    Disco 5 thud sound on slow uphill

    An update on this investigation. I had all oil levels, bushings and cv joints checked and nothing found. Demonstrated it to local LR dealer (clunk clunk driving slow up hill turning slightly left or right). Current thought is that it is one of the e-diffs slipping but they will need further...
  3. J

    Disco 5 thud sound on slow uphill

    Thanks for that - I will bare in mind. Hopefully though as I only have 25k miles on the clock this would seem unlikely - but sometimes...
  4. J

    Disco 5 thudding sound on slow uphill drive

    A couple of you have mentioned steering calibration. I'm not sure how it would impact this noise but I notice (with reasonable certainty rather than 100%) that it seems to occur when steering slightly to the left on a slight uphill. Would this make any sense?
  5. J

    Disco 5 thudding sound on slow uphill drive

    FIXD shows no errors. Veepak lists the pending codes shown in the attached. When I took it to LR first time they performed an Airpath Routine Setup, but I have no idea what that would correspond to. Can’t 100% be sure but I think it occurs on straight and turns. Seems to occur most often on...
  6. J

    Disco 5 thud sound on slow uphill

    That would just be too boring.
  7. J

    Disco 5 thud sound on slow uphill

    Normally it is parked on a flat surface so I don't turn it on manually, but I believe the parking brake is automatic so its always on when stopped.
  8. J

    Disco 5 thud sound on slow uphill

    Thanks - have now done so.
  9. J

    Disco 5 thudding sound on slow uphill drive

    My 2019 Disco 5 makes a series of thuds (usually 2-4) which sound and feel like they are coming from the transmission. It usually occurs shortly after standing overnight in slow moving traffic on a slight uphill incline. After that it can be intermittent with an occasional judder feel, usually...
  10. J

    Disco 5 thud sound on slow uphill

    My 2019 Disco 5 makes a series of thuds (usually 2-4) which sound and feel like they are coming from the transmission. It usually occurs shortly after standing overnight in slow moving traffic on a slight uphill incline. After that it can be intermittent with an occasional judder feel, usually...