1. ambuland

    3.9 V8 won't start (after stupid mistake)

    Im not to sure yet ;) After it still didn't started. Changed the sparks because they were wet. Than it started! But the next thing I wanted to do i changing the exhaust (was waiting for 8weaks for that). But I also want to change the manifold bolts because they didn't look good to use them...
  2. ambuland

    Ambulance 3.9 V8 to camper project

    The has been in turkey until 2years ago. Inside an outside is almost without rust:). I only changed the rear part of the floor. The rest will get a Dinitrol treatment.
  3. ambuland

    Ambulance 3.9 V8 to camper project

    Thanks all!
  4. ambuland

    3.9 V8 won't start (after stupid mistake)

    I was busy searching the problem yesterday evening when it became dark. What made clear it had nothing to do withing the welding.. My coil / spark plug cable is losing sparks near the coil connection :mad:. Ordered new cables and coil..
  5. ambuland

    3.9 V8 won't start (after stupid mistake)

    sorry, i was writinng that this was the moment from start. But is the the moment of the starter, it wont turn on
  6. ambuland

    3.9 V8 won't start (after stupid mistake)

    Hi DanClarke (and others!) thanks for your reply, but when you tyring to start the engine, it is normal that the voltage will drop +-1,5V right?
  7. ambuland

    3.9 V8 won't start (after stupid mistake)

    This is the moment from start. I made another one with jump cables on it. Looks like almost no difference in enginespeed. But at the first log reaction at 163rpm and now at 150rpm, but i won't go higher.. to less rpm to start?
  8. ambuland

    3.9 V8 won't start (after stupid mistake)

    Hello everybody, I made a horrible mistake.. in a rush I thought I could disconnect the battery with the headswitch installed in my car. Ofcourse that switch is placed between the postive and not negative.. So.. i've been welding on the car with battery in place. After I was finished welding I...
  9. ambuland

    Ambulance 3.9 V8 to camper project

    Hello everybody, my name is Niels, 34 and living in the Netherlands. This summer I purchased my first LR. I wasn't really looking for it, but when I saw it I had to buy it. Its a Turkeys ambulance model build by Otokar, know as MLR29. It has a 3.9 V8 in it, and hasn't found anything that...