1. R

    Expansion tank pipes

    No it's been of the road for a bit. So took the opportunity to change a few things i.e water pump and thermostat hoping that would sort the issue out. I will try that with the viscous fan and report back tomorrow at some point
  2. R

    Expansion tank pipes

    The temp has never reached half way since we've had it. Il try to stop the viscous fan some how.
  3. R

    Expansion tank pipes

    So I've done that thanks. So I do have a problem with the heating. That there is none. I've changed the water pump (pig of a job) and changed the thermostat still blowing cold and it's been running for 40 mins
  4. R

    Expansion tank pipes

    Thank guys I wouldn't of known that. And I was going to buy a new cap.
  5. R

    Expansion tank pipes

    So swap them then
  6. R

    Expansion tank pipes

    I've just seen this. Does that explain why when I've just started it now why it's leaking out of the cap??
  7. R

    Expansion tank pipes

    Thank you mate.
  8. R

    Expansion tank pipes

    Hi guys so I've almost got the disco back up and running after a long time. I've come across this pipe which would explain the coolant leak I had before but couldn't find. Where does it go too??
  9. R

    Rear chassis rails repair

    Hi guys so I took my td5 off the road a few months ago to sort a few things out. So I need some advice on this one what's the best way to repair the rust on the rear chassis rails?
  10. R

    Oil and coolant leak

    I was thinking that. Thanks
  11. R

    Oil and coolant leak

    It's a disco 2 td5 mate
  12. R

    Oil and coolant leak

    I was thinking that as there is a lot of oil on the front. What's the best way to clean it??
  13. R

    Oil and coolant leak

    Hi guys so as the title says I have some leaks. Where and what are the likely culprits. So the coolant looks to be leaking from behind the left engine mount from a core plug ( looking at the engine from the front) oil wise. There is a lot on the front of the engine look like it's mid way up past...
  14. R

    Fuses and thermostat

    I did bleed it yesterday. The only thing I didn't do is the idle at 1500rpm but no bubbles came out at all
  15. R

    Fuses and thermostat

    Thank you I will get on the hunt for one. What would be your advice on the heating issue? I'm awaiting a new thermostat
  16. R

    Fuses and thermostat

    Engine bay fuse box are all ok. So you think it may be the fuse board it self?
  17. R

    Fuses and thermostat

    Ok so I think it's a face lift. I would say the exterior lights are all fine it's more interior. So the fuses that aren't working are F3,F5,F9,F10,F11,F14,F22,F23,F33. And with the heating the temp gauge is always low and doesn't seem to reach temp and the blowers are barley warm. I can breath...
  18. R

    Fuses and thermostat

    Ye it's not letting me. So only help I can be is it's all the lights and the one with SM.
  19. R

    Fuses and thermostat

    Hi guys so it won't let me upload a photo. Says I have no access. So the fuses that aren't working are all to to with lights and one that says SM. Also the heating is none existing which leads me to think thermostat? Heated seats aren't working either. Two 3amp fuses either side nothing there...