1. N

    Swivel Ball seal replacement

    Well, someone said beware of scope creep... so far my shopping list has grown to: brakes disks pads drive member hub CV joint Lots of new bolts It was a mess in there, not even looked at the drivers side yet!
  2. N

    Swivel Ball seal replacement

    If you look closely behind the trolley Jack you will see an axle stand hiding there. Belt and braces 😂
  3. N

    Swivel Ball seal replacement

    Well I went for the easy route but the bearings are shot so have to wait for them now. Thanks for all the advice, turns out the most important tool is a big hammer 🔨
  4. N

    Swivel Ball seal replacement

    Thanks for all the replies, a few questions: Haynes manual often references up to 1999 model, or after 1999 model, my TD5 is a 1999 model 😂. Is that referring to 300TDi vs TD5 or is not that simple? Would a TD5 have a 64mm locknut & adjusting nut for example? If I do take it all to bits, would...
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    Swivel Ball seal replacement

    I am in the process of doing a full service on my Defender 90 1999 TD5 (so far done engine oil, both oil filters, fuel filer, air filter, front and rear diff oil, transfer box oil, and will finish with gearbox oil once my 32mm spanner arrives 👍). While lying under the car I saw the swivel ball...
  6. N

    Led headlight - defender 90 td5

    Thanks Litch - other than brighter bulbs what can you do to improve the stock lights? They just feel dim but my main driver has matrix LEDs so probably a poor comparison…
  7. N

    Led headlight - defender 90 td5

    Morning was looking at upgrading the headlights to led, these seem good https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/252244428591?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=12_6VEcESNu&sssrc=2349624&ssuid=qs4lESP_Rim&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY has anyone done this lately or can recommend some? They...
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    Quick Intro

    It OK but it's a Walton Motors special - read about them once I had bought the car :( they did minimal prep to make it look shiny... but think I may have been lucky as it runs OK etc.
  9. N

    Quick Intro

    I even had to have a shower and eveything!
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    Quick Intro

    Morning all thought I would do a quick intro, been lurking for a while but decided to register and join. I have had a couple of Defender 90's and I'm working on my 2000 TD5 at the moment. I have changed the steering wheel, added some louder speakers, and the re-trim kits for the seats and...