1. L

    Series 3 Need wiring help 2.25 Petrol

    The button does not push. The wires are there because I needed to organize them out of the way. The one on the right is red from the alternator.The one on the left goes to the firewall. Thanks for your help.
  2. L

    Series 3 Need wiring help 2.25 Petrol

    Which side of the solenoid is positive?
  3. L

    Series 3 Need wiring help 2.25 Petrol

    Long story short. My step daughter bought her Landy all wrong. It is in terrible shape. The engine quit running shortly after she bought and she took it to a local Land Rover "repair" shop in Charleston S.C. They tried to pull a scam on her so I retrieved the motor and the Landy and brought it...
  4. L

    Sorta a Land Rover owner

    Working on it.
  5. L

    Sorta a Land Rover owner

    I have a 1973 Land Rover Series III that's been my garage for a few months now. It belongs to my step daughter who bought it all wrong. I have finished rebuilding the engine and mounted in the vehicle and I am in the process of figuring out the wiring. Gonna need some help...