1. N

    Mounting pull bar freelander

    Okay, gonna have to try take off the front bumper today and fit it, talked to a swedish person, he Said that is was just installed into the steel brackets under the car so have to try something like that. Thanks for info guys :))
  2. N

    Mounting pull bar freelander

    If i'm missing installing brackets i could make my own, but the metal bracket you are taking about is the one under the engine(front of engine?)
  3. N

    Mounting pull bar freelander

    Ey, i got my self a pullbar to my freelander 1.8, but can't find any manual for it, have someone ever mounted this pull bar before? See picture
  4. N

    ac drainage problems

    I have tried that, tried some air to, still leaking inside, i know this problem was fixed in 2018, 3 months after same problems happend, have some paper work of a garage fixing it, so maybe they installed it wrong, or got some carpet between?
  5. N

    ac drainage problems

    Ok, i tried to drag it, should i just pull on it hard? Don't wanna break anything :))
  6. N

    ac drainage problems

    Sorry i forgot that, i have a Freelander 1, 2005
  7. N

    ac drainage problems

    Hey, i got a wet passenger footwell, this comes from the ac drain, i tried to clean it, but could reach inside, is there any way to remove the hose or to clean this any other way? I know this is a common problem, nobody has a permanent fix for this?