1. M

    L322 Drive using the transit button?

    Hi, I know it's a strange one but when I google L322 switch under dash it comes with lots of people asking what it is, sounds like they should have been removed at the dealers when delivered but many were left in. Thanks
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    L322 Drive using the transit button?

    I don't think the button does that, apparently it bypasses the ignition allowing it to start and be moved, I've read they should have been removed but many still have them in place.
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    L322 Drive using the transit button?

    Thank you, sorry no pic as the car is not with me at the moment but I've googled it and it's common (transit switch, transport switch), I just can't see if the car can be driven using it.
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    L322 Drive using the transit button?

    Hi, our 2008 TDV8 has a transit button under the dash. Can the car be driven using this button (ignition switch has failed) as we need to get it to the local garage or is this button only for loading purposes? Regards
  5. M

    L322 Strip dash to get to ignition switch help.

    Thank you but it says the file is sadly deleted. Thank you though
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    L322 Strip dash to get to ignition switch help.

    Good evening, I am looking for instructions to strip the dash to get to the ignition switch, my 2008 TDV8 has the ignition on the dash. If anyone can point me towards an online/downloadable workshop manual or advise if this is something you have done would be amazing. Regards