1. M

    Defender diff casing to axle torque?

    What I call: Pains caused by Haynes!
  2. M

    Gearbox swapping

    Hi everybody, I've already made one ricket with this, (posted it in the wrong place), but I would like to know if an Lt77 gearbox with transfer box could be replaced with an R380 ditto into a D1 200tdi. The answer may not be so simple as it sounds; I well remember the trouble I had replacing the...
  3. M


    To all those in the know: Can I assume that an LT77 gearbox may be replaced with an R380 gearbox,(complete with transfer box) or is life really complicated? There seems to be a sort of mystique around this subject, but I'm trying to obviate the need to use too many years of my life finding out...