1. Pilsbury_84

    109 van side panels onto a 1991 110

    Hello all, I have a quandary - I'm wanting to turn my beloved Acquisition from a standard size 1991 110 pick-up, in to a 110 van. I have a 110 roof I purchased in the autumn, but no 110 sides, and I am finding it hard to find a reasonably priced pair on the usual sites. However, I have seen a...
  2. Pilsbury_84

    Hello all!

    Hello there, After being away from the land rover scene for about 10 years (Last one I had was my N reg 1995 Discovery 300tdi, whilst owning a 1986 Range Rover 3.5EFI and a 1976 Series III 88"), I recently purchased a 1991 Land Rover 110 off a friend of mine. It's taken me 34 years of dreaming...