1. M

    Discovery 2 TD5 15P fuel/air issue

    Afternoon guys I've recently been having some non start issues with the Discovery which was found to be damaged crank sensor wiring (high speed crank, noisy crank etc). I cut and soldered new sheathed CPS wiring straight from the red plug to the plug for the sensor and all was fine again...
  2. M

    Td5 starting issues, crank sensor

    Got it lads. After reading the wiring diagram, the wires were soldered in backwards. Skoda eventually put enough power in her to get her started. Cheers!
  3. M

    Td5 starting issues, crank sensor

    So, On Thursday I made a makeshift cable using tinfoil, 0.75 twin core and electrical tape. I spliced the wiring at the ECU plug and she started. Friday, and my screened cable was delivered. I soldered the "repair" plug and wiring on, soldered the screen onto the ECU ground and soldered then...
  4. M

    Td5 starting issues, crank sensor

    Ordered the wire and messaged the guy, hopefully he can help as it'll be much easier. In the meanwhile I need to see if I can get this pile of scrap running.
  5. M

    Td5 starting issues, crank sensor

    Makes sense, I'll look at a wiring diagram and see if I can make sense of it. Would something like this be suitable to change the lot? Ideally bypassing the current wiring as it'll be a nightmare to get out the conduit, and wiring straight from the ecu to the plug as you said...
  6. M

    Td5 starting issues, crank sensor

    Hi, I'm Martin. I've got an 04 Discovery TD5 Landmark and it's an unreliable POS. I'm wondering if anyone can help me with some advice today. I've got a known issue with the crank sensor wiring. Pretty sure I pulled the cable by forgetting to unplug the sensor during a clutch change in...