1. H

    Parallel pliers

    THANK YOU Yalan for your helpful reply. I will certainly have a look at those.
  2. H

    Parallel pliers

    Thanks for all the advice everyone.
  3. H

    Parallel pliers

    Thanks. I did look at Maun but their range made me glaze over. I reckon I should stop trying to buy something without the required specs etc!
  4. H

    Parallel pliers

    Thanks for that. He may well have been using a swivel joint socket set (I wouldn’t know) but he has mentioned these pliers when he has been working on other stuff too. I did have a look at Maun but their range of PP’s is mind-boggling. I may have to go back to the drawing board and buy him socks...
  5. H

    Parallel pliers

    Hello all. I’m new here, so please be gentle with me! My partner and I own a D90 and live in Oxfordshire I would like to pick your brains please. My partner tries to fix most problems himself (he used to fix cars back in the old days). Most recently, he changed the glow plugs and not for the...
  6. H

    Parallel Pliers

    Hello all. I would like to pick your brains please. My partner and I own a D90 and live in Oxfordshire. My partner tries to fix most problems himself (he used to fix cars back in the old days). Most recently, he changed the glow plugs and not for the first time, I heard him mutter that he...