1. J

    Hello New Member

    Being a true Yorkshireman I went for the cheaper one in the middle. ( just found this on phone )
  2. J

    Hello New Member

    Not at the moment. I will get round to sharing some soon though! thanks for the interest. I’ll be on here again I’m sure!
  3. J

    EGR removal from wolf

    Hello I’m a newbie here and just recently having purchased a wolf have been looking into removing the EGR. So any further thoughts and advice before I take the plunge and start disconnecting - then post away here. Cheers. Jay
  4. J

    Hello New Member

    Hello finally found one and on here asking questions! cheers everyone. Jay.
  5. J

    Defender Wolf 110 Tree Sliders???

    Hello, first time poster here. Had old series 2 and MOD 109’s a good few years back - but somehow I’ve been drawn back into it all with a recent purchase of a 110 Wolf. Question. I’m after some tree sliders - mainly as an extra layer of side impact protection as I’m fitting forward fitting...
  6. J

    Hello New Member

    New member here, used to have series 2's and 3's. Took a break whilst kids were young. Looking at Military Defenders and in need of help/advice (also not computer literate!) before taking the plunge again - cheers! Jay