1. C

    Hello first time on here! TD4 Tensioner failure

    Thanks for the info but it's not shredding the belts instead it's breaking the spring. Also on this model it is mounted inboard and the arm passes through a hole in the engine block so misalignment shouldn't really put any side load on the tensioner. It does make me wonder if hole has a bit of...
  2. C

    Hello first time on here! TD4 Tensioner failure

    Thanks, this is a real head scratcher!
  3. C

    Hello first time on here! TD4 Tensioner failure

    I am in Plymouth and hope to find this useful to help me solve a recurring problem with my elderly Dads TD4. Sorry but this is a long story! It starts when when 2002 TD4 Freelander suffered crankshaft pully damper failure. An aftermarket pulley was fitted with a lot of blood sweat and tears...