1. F

    What have you done with your series today?

    Broke my handbrake. Order replacement parts, new dampers, new leaf springs and associated bits and pieces. Got a busy couple of weekends ahead. Oh and I replaced my diesel filter which was a nightmare to get air out the system but my word she revs so much more freely!
  2. F

    What have you done with your series today?

    I noticed one of my indicators had water in it. On further inspection the drain hole in the rubber was at the top and letting water in as opposed to draining out at the bottom. Turns out 7 out of 8 had the drain in the wrong place. So I decided to resolve today and was disappointed to find...
  3. F

    Another brake question…

    Thanks, I’ve had her a couple of months and she gets used most days, fluid has sat on the max line the whole time without topping up. So new hoses, a seal kit and bleed valves??? Are braided hoses the best option?
  4. F

    Another brake question…

    Don’t you just hate predictive text? Just have the standard original system that looks like this…
  5. F

    Another brake question…

    I was thinking more along the lines of vacuum/pressure being reduced/lost (forgive my naivety).
  6. F

    Another brake question…

    On Saturday I did a brake service - new brake fluid and flushed it all through and bled the system on my own and there was still some softness to the pedal. I then adjusted the drums with the snail adjusters. Then with the help of my Mrs I bled the system again by starting at rear passenger...
  7. F

    Name this door part…..

    Sorry I may not have been clear enough, I’m actually referring to the box that’s fitted to the door skin with what appear to be pop rivets…not the actual lock (which fit to this box). I have seen door skins available without this back box so assume they can be bought separately? I hope so as I...
  8. F

    Name this door part…..

    As I work through the little things for tidying up the old S2a/3 crossover, the next thing I’d like to do is replace this on both doors along with the locks. As you can see from the outside pic they’ve seen better days! The bit I’m after is the nock that the lock fixes onto as per the internet...
  9. F

    Oil and filter recommendations please…

    TS2304 - That’s great and perfectly legible, thanks!
  10. F

    Oil and filter recommendations please…

    From various people I’ve spoken to, 20W50 reduces the chances of leaks and all have stated anything thinner will literally just drain out from every seal/gasket that isn’t in tip too condition. I’ve also been told that mineral is the only option and at all costs avoid anything mildly synthetic….
  11. F

    Oil and filter recommendations please…

    Looking to do an oil service on my S2a/3 crossover with the 2.25d engine. I know I need 20W50 mineral but wondering if people can recommend a decent oil at a decent price. Additionally I’m doing the oil and fuel filters - any recommendations on good brands and ones to avoid! Thanks
  12. F

    Suspension advice….

    Oh you tease
  13. F

    Suspension advice….

    Have you fitted them yet? If so, what was the purchasing and fitting process like? Also how do they handle - is it much improve on the road? Thanks!
  14. F

    Suspension advice….

    The chap at GB said he feels they are as close to Defender in road ride quality as you can get. Then again he is trying to sell them and no longer makes leaf springs as they cost too much due limited customer base (all made in uk so much more £ than those from China etc)
  15. F

    Suspension advice….

    Interesting…this is totally opposite to what the chap at GB Springs said to me today, he insisted they must be oil dampers and strapped, he was very clear in that gas shocks should be thrown in the bin if using parabolic springs!
  16. F

    Suspension advice….

    I spoke with GB Springs today and they now only do parabolic springs. he mentioned strapping to reduce travel…Has anyone got experience of these from GB? If so would you recommend? Mostly road use.
  17. F

    Suspension advice….

    Thanks folks. I have to confess to enjoying getting things to work again but my concerns are how the bottom ones look flat/splayed in the wrong direction. This is my first car with leaf springs so it’s a learning curve, assuming I go the replacement route, what are the best ones to go for...
  18. F

    Identify these parts…..

    You are probably right!
  19. F

    Suspension advice….

    On my 2a/3 crossover which is a 2.25d (it’s had so much work over its lifetime it’s basically a 3) I’m working through a list of things to do (get the feeling this is part of the fun). The ride is shall we say ‘bumpy and choppy’ and she likes to wander a little. I’m wondering if it’s time for...
  20. F

    Identify these parts…..

    So I have flushed the pipes and matrix both ways, I took off the heater water valve and this is also running clear. Whole system is connected and all connections are tight - with the exception of the small hose into the heater water valve - I was still only getting a small trickle. Edited to...