1. geoff123

    Chassis too high off springs?

    Did this work for you? I.e. did the springs settle in such a way that the distance between axle & chassis is roughly what's in the big green book (post #5 above)? I think I'm having exactly the same problem as you i.e. I've refitted my old springs (having cleaned, repainted and greased the...
  2. geoff123

    Clutch fork return (sorry very basic question!!)

    Brilliant -- thank you!!
  3. geoff123

    Clutch fork return (sorry very basic question!!)

    This weekend as part of a rebuild I've refurbished the clutch master & slave cylinders on my S3 LWT. Since the engine is not in the vehicle, there is nothing in front of the clutch fork & associated bearing. I have bled the system and, as expected, when I depress the clutch pedal, the fork...
  4. geoff123

    Series 3 SIII slave clutch cylinder no spring?

    Thank you, both, for your replies. I have refitted the slave cylinder and won't worry about the absence of the spring. :-)
  5. geoff123

    Series 3 SIII slave clutch cylinder no spring?

    I'm servicing the slave clutch cylinder in my S3 LWT. According to the workshop manual there should be a conical spring inside it, but there isn't. Does this matter? Thanks!
  6. geoff123

    Series 3 Shims on bottom of swivel ball housing??

    This is brilliant -- thanks, folks!! I'm fitting replacement swivel balls & bearings, so I've assumed the old shims are largely irrelevant. FWIW I've got an o-ring round the bottom pin. Depending on what the feeler gauges tell me about the symmetry of the fit of the ball, I guess I'll decide...
  7. geoff123

    Series 3 Shims on bottom of swivel ball housing??

    Am rebuilding my 1975 S3 Lightweight -- currently working on front axle. When I took it apart, there was a shim on the *bottom* of the swivel ball housings (between the housing and the steering arms) as well as the top. It turns out that these are shown in the parts manual ("as required"), but...