1. W


    I am afraid the Si6...‘elephant on steroids’ is a thirsty petrol beast except when I drive it like an old man (which my wife points out I should do, as I am!):(
  2. W


    Thanks I’ve been on disco3 forum for some years ....looking forward to new experiences here.
  3. W

    Discovery 5 Rhythmic thrumming noise

    Interesting. Thanks for the replies. The frequency of the pulse doesn’t seem to change speed much whether at 30 or 40mph. Would not a tyre issue change frequency with that sort of rotation change? I’m thinking of occasions when I’ve experienced a balloon over the years....it seems to respond to...
  4. W


    Thanks. Looking forward to learning and sharing experiences.
  5. W

    Discovery 5 Rhythmic thrumming noise

    Hi, I am hoping someone might be able to help...... I’ve noticed a pulsating thrumming or droning noise at slow speeds. It’s loudest at 30mph but still evident underneath road/engine noise at 45mph. It’s independent of engine revs (coasting and revving doesn’t change it). It’s independent of...
  6. W


    I’m based in the UK and last year exchanged my Disco 4 for a Disco 5 (HSE si6). Getting used to the differences between the models but enjoying the performance (not the fuel consumption) ....if only going to the click and collect at Sainsbury’s. :) Looking forward to tugging caravan around...