1. H

    1980 S3 Dormobile restoration

    A few weeks have gone by and I have Been making progress. Again it’s mostly preparing parts for refinishing etc but Firstly, tadaaaa..! engine and GB in. Mating the 2 is a bit of a struggle as they need a bit of encouragement and a perfect lineup. With the engine on the crane and the gb on...
  2. H

    Series 3 SWB Nut and Bolt rebuild

    Hi. I am doing a rebuild on my dormobile on another thread.. for thé bulkhead, I have hacked out a footwell and when i get it back together, I was toying with the idea of galvanizing the bulkhead. I have heard of them distorting during the hot dip. What was your experience? How does it work...
  3. H

    1980 S3 Dormobile restoration

    I got a couple of hours work in today. As I am still waiting for engine and GB mountings to come, I am getting bits and bobs refurbed. Today it was the turn of the heater fan. For the heater box, both ones I had were so badly rusted, I bought a new one from the UK on eBay. It had been...
  4. H

    1980 S3 Dormobile restoration

    Don’t worry. I have a ‘tame’ station. It helps when you own several of BL and Rover Group’s finest. today was a bit of a crappy day frustrated with parts. Lots of time and not much done. Steering relay fitted. I thought I’d orderd up the screws to fix the bottom ring but sadly not. I tried...
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    1980 S3 Dormobile restoration

    It already has a French plate and carte grise. Drive side is not mentioned on the carte Grise so I am just going to restore and put it through its contrôle technique. What can possibly go wrong...
  6. H

    1980 S3 Dormobile restoration

    While I am on a roll with the photo posting, lastly, a couple of pics of the car before I got the high speed 125mm rotary spanner out. If anyone can explain how to get the pics the right way up, the rest of the thread will be less annoying. There, I’m exhausted. !
  7. H

    1980 S3 Dormobile restoration

    About 1 hr west of Paris. It’s nice down in the Tarn. As a kayaker, I’ve spent a lot of time round Florac getting wet upside down.
  8. H

    1980 S3 Dormobile restoration

    Tonight’s job was the PDWA valve. This is a fairly useless bit of ironmongery which tells you that you have only half your brakes left- which on a series, you may not notice. It looks to me like a fine source of air ingress and general gremlins but hey, it was there and I will refit. My donor...
  9. H

    1980 S3 Dormobile restoration

    I think I got it.....
  10. H

    1980 S3 Dormobile restoration

    If I have done this right, below will be 2 pictures. If not, this will be of no Interest whatsoever
  11. H

    1980 S3 Dormobile restoration

    Hi all. I am rebuilding a S3 109 SW 2 1/4 petrol RHD from 1980 which has a full dormobile conversion. Not sure whether this was on the car from new or not. I Suspect not. As I am in France, I am also changing it to a left hooker (the work of Satan, yes, i know). Luckily, I have a donor diesel...
  12. H

    Series 2 Clutch pedal not returning

    Try pulling on the pedal. If it’s a stiff pull, it could be as someone suggested above. The pedal is fixed to the pedal box on a shaft. That shaft is pinned through a collar on the pedal box which is a bitch to get out. That shaft goes through the pedal and through the other side of the box. As...
  13. H

    Help needed -what is this part?

    Ok. I’ll put it to one side. Thanks for your help!
  14. H

    Help needed -what is this part?

    Hi guys. Thanks for the feedback. I did not work on anything else during that time. Now that I think about it, Given where I found it, if it came from the Landy, it would be from the gearbox. I removed the front and rear outputs to do the seals (Ork ork) as well as all levers and brackets to...
  15. H

    New member France

    Wrong righted..! Apologies for the multiple posts/ formats. I’m not very good at this. Better with a drift and a large sledgehammer
  16. H

    Help needed -what is this part?

    Hi. As in my intro post, I am restoring a 109 s3 dormobile onto a galvanisés chassis. I have finished the engine (seals and repaint) and the gearboxes ( clean and seals) as both were working fine. BUT... and there is always a but. I mated engine to gearbox (bugger of a job to do alone) and...
  17. H

    New member France

    Hi all. I have owned some Land rovers over the years and worked for Land Rover France for a number of years. I currently have a decent LWB soft dash V8 and I have made good inroads into a S3 dormobile restoration I started this winter. The axles are fully redone and onto a new galv chassis...