1. V

    Central locking disco 2

    Fantastic thanks.
  2. V

    Central locking disco 2

    PP could you send me those photos please? That would be very helpful! I don't think I can get the door panel off with it closed, but I can hopefully cause minimum damage with a strategically drilled access hole.
  3. V

    Central locking disco 2

    SF thanks. I'll have one more go with everything before destroying the door! Westone, don't apologise you helped me get familiar with another bit in the engine bay. Thanks for the advice.
  4. V

    Disco 2 2001 TD5 crank no start

    Yes indeed! Easy when you can crack the top of a diesel injector nut in an older engine and watch it leak out. Harder when it's all wires. I've got one of the nanocoms on order. seems they are essential for these engines. The things you learn!
  5. V

    Disco 2 2001 TD5 crank no start

    Thanks. In a way I'm disappointed - would have been a convenient easy answer!
  6. V

    Disco 2 2001 TD5 crank no start

    It has just occurred to me that the battery began to go flat with the cranking so I disconnected it to put it on a charge. Was that a blunder? Does that mess with the ECU computer? Does it need reprogrammed after you do that? Next two jobs I plan to do are are to listen for the fuel pump...
  7. V

    Central locking disco 2

    Thanks a lot StnaleySteamer
  8. V

    Central locking disco 2

    PS before I close this.... the 'roll over' button. Is that a red herring? Looking around online it seems to be a fuel isolator and not an 'unlock' button. Am I right?
  9. V

    Central locking disco 2

  10. V

    Central locking disco 2

    Thanks Sierrafery. There is movement so there is current getting to the actuator. The button tries to pop up but doesn't make it. Maybe stuck in superlock mode. I have a nanocom on order due next week. Is it possible to disable superlock via that do you think? worth a try before hacking...
  11. V

    Central locking disco 2

    Hi thanks I've tried the pull handle, simultaneously pulling the button etc in all combinations. Stuck fast! Intriguing idea about the roll over button. Wasn't aware of that. Will do some research but if anyone can help locate that it would be great!
  12. V

    Disco 2 2001 TD5 crank no start

    PS I should have said I unplugged the ecu and there was quite a bit of oil contamination in the red plug. No obvious damage to any of the loom emerging from it.
  13. V

    Central locking disco 2

    Hi my central locking is playing up. Passenger door is locked closed and does not unlock either with remote key or pulling the button up. Can anyone advise how to get at the actuator without damaging the door panel? It doesn't seem designed to be removed from the closed position!
  14. V

    Disco 2 2001 TD5 crank no start

    Hi, so I got stranded by an immobiliser fault last week. Sorted it today by replacing the rf unit near the sunroof. Now she will crank but no start. I'm a novice with these more electronic engines. Does anyone have any advice on where to start?!
  15. V

    Sudden difficulty selecting gears

    I thought it may be the clutch but it feels normal. Idling in neutral when I declutch I get a slight engine tone change and then when I release it changes again. This is with the floor up so you can hear what's going on quite well. The selectors were recently greased and were moving fine and...
  16. V

    Sudden difficulty selecting gears

    Hi all, took my series 2A (but I believe with a S3 engine and gearbox) out yesterday. All going well until about 10 miles in when I suddenly could select gears. Pulled over idling I could coax it into another gear with a lot of waggling, pulling, clutch pumping revs. Nursed it home in 3rd...
  17. V

    Metal in gear oil

    Found this useful resource, which confirms mine is a S3 engine. http://www.glencoyne.co.uk/engno.htm#:~:text=Finding%20your%20serial%20number%3A%20On,left%20hand%20(dipstick)%20side.
  18. V

    Metal in gear oil

    Thanks all. Haven't found the gearbox number yet but will do so and go from there. While I'm at it, can anyone direct me to a definitive guide for identifying engine age and type from engine number. Mine is 90149933A. The vehicle is 1969 Series 2A LWB Station Wagon 2.25L petrol but from what...
  19. V

    Metal in gear oil

    Detent spring is flat? Some of those bits are round. More like a wire coil spring.
  20. V

    Metal in gear oil

    Gear changes are OK if you're kind to it. Guess it's a wait and see. Wondered if it might be a part from the synchro.