1. M

    Electrical issue please help !!

    it doesn’t have the start stop feature but it’s the 8speed command shift gearbox. I’ve got a number for an auto electrician that I’m going to call tomorrow so he will have a lot more clue than I have, although I have checked the earth across to the engine with a multimeter again and shows the...
  2. M

    Electrical issue please help !!

    hi mate, thankyou for all that info ! sorry that’s me being vague in my post not realising that the decimal would matter that much, it did in read 12.6 as you say. It’s in at the moment for the next couple of days having some bits done that I had booked before this went wrong so I will be...
  3. M

    Electrical issue please help !!

    Thanks yorkie, the battery is pretty new, maybe 3 months old, but I have checked with multimeter and showing 12v.
  4. M

    Electrical issue please help !!

    Thanks for your reply, no I haven’t tried a diagnostic tester on the car yet, although that is the next thing on my list. I’m going to make some calls today, now that bank holiday is over, see where that gets me. Yes I have seen this forum, I have searched on there too, although the thread I was...
  5. M

    New to forum with electrical issue !

    Thankyou ! I tried to post there originally but had some issue, although now it seems to have posted so it has created 2 identical threads ! not my day today !
  6. M

    New to forum with electrical issue !

    Evening all, I’m new to the forum and hoping someone amongst yourselves can help shed some light on an issue I’m having. I have a 2013 discovery 4, in the last couple of days the heating has had a mind of it’s own at least that’s where it started ! The fan would blow on full power and the...
  7. M

    Electrical issue please help !!

    Evening all, I’m new to the forum and hoping someone amongst yourselves can help shed some light on an issue I’m having. I have a 2013 discovery 4, in the last couple of days the heating has had a mind of it’s own at least that’s where it started ! The fan would blow on full power and the...