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    Series 3 Mounting brake failure switch

    Affirmative, RHD. Thanks for that. I’ve got a new chassis and fitted the original (re-furbished) upright. Was worried I’d welded in a patch on the upright and missed the bracket. Just to confirm, outboard on the chassis below the brake pedal is where the switch should be fitted. Thanks very...
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    Series 3 Mounting brake failure switch

    Where does the series 3 brake failure switch mount?
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    Re-framing doors

    Hi again I tried SP panels and they only do doors with skins, not frames only. Any other suggestions? Thanks
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    Re-framing doors

    Oops sorry, not quite got the hang of the forum yet, didn’t see rob1miles post!
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    Re-framing doors

    Hi, thanks yours, the whole frame is shot on all three doors but the skins are in good nick. Where would be the best place to get the complete frames?
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    Re-framing doors

    Hi The skins on my series 3 doors are in reasonable condition Is it possible to buy galvanised frames to re-use the original skins? Thanks Angus
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    Just Joined

    Many thanks Appreciated.
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    Just Joined

    Thanks First question I’m looking to buy a galvanised chassis and bulkhead. There are loads of companies supplying them. Are they all “reputable”?
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    Just Joined

    Hi I’ve just bought a scrap Series 3 Land Rover which I hope to rebuild on a new Chassis I may use this forum if I have any questions regarding setting about things. Angus MacPherson