1. JeremyAldermartenQC

    Driver's door handle issues.

    I now know that, as I suspected, there is a heavy spacer between the inner and outer skins of the door, where the screw goes through and it is that which has fallen. I'll have to take the door card off to retrieve it. When the weather is better! The door now functions fine, although the handle...
  2. JeremyAldermartenQC

    Driver's door handle issues.

    The driver's exterior door handle has always been rather notchy (I've had the car 3 weeks) and has required pushing back, otherwise it remains sticking out 1/4 inch after the door is shut. Today the door wouldn't open! I found that it would open very easily if the door was pushed in as I pulled...
  3. JeremyAldermartenQC

    P38 ABS removal? Just wondered if it's been done.

    The L322, L494, Disco 2 and Disco 3 all used vacuum servos. Disabling the ABS should result in an MOT fail. Removing it on a P38 means replacing the whole brake application system. The Wabco system is great just as long as it keeps working or affordable s/h parts can be used. The pump, in...
  4. JeremyAldermartenQC

    P38 ABS removal? Just wondered if it's been done.

    Mine are working very well, and the pump is doing what it should. I've been trying to get a solution to the ABS light being on in another thread and I'm still working on it when time and the weather (the weather!) permits. Thanks for your helpful comments.
  5. JeremyAldermartenQC

    P38 ABS removal? Just wondered if it's been done.

    Yes, I had heard about the effect of pressure failure! I certainly wasn't contemplating a RR without assistance, but perhaps with a conventional combined vacuum servo and master cylinder, such as that fitted to a Discovery 2.
  6. JeremyAldermartenQC

    P38 ABS removal? Just wondered if it's been done.

    Just to set the record straight, I'm not removing the ABS on my RR, but I was curious to know if anyone had. The starting handle idea was a joke against myself as someone who does prefer simple machinery. I used to start my Vanden Plas 3-litre straight six on the handle, but that had an 8.3:1...
  7. JeremyAldermartenQC

    P38 ABS removal? Just wondered if it's been done.

    Thanks for the encouragement! I don't want to get that basic, thanks.
  8. JeremyAldermartenQC

    P38 ABS removal? Just wondered if it's been done.

    It is legal to remove ABS from vehicles built up to 2010. The insurer should be informed. All components must be removed with the exception of parts integral to other essential parts, such as reluctor rings. I'm not planning to do it, however.:)
  9. JeremyAldermartenQC

    P38 ABS removal? Just wondered if it's been done.

    Certainly it is there for a reason. It makes it possible to steer around an obstruction whilst braking heavily, for example, even on wet roads. Before it existed, it was necessary to cadence-brake manually to avoid wheel lock-up and loss of control. That wasn't easy and was certainly less...
  10. JeremyAldermartenQC

    P38 ABS removal? Just wondered if it's been done.

    You are quite right on a point of law. Good point. Wait a minute! I thought you were talking about removing the electric starting! You can remove ABS on vehicles up to 2010. I do wonder if an MOT tester could refuse a test without electric starting!
  11. JeremyAldermartenQC

    P38 ABS removal? Just wondered if it's been done.

    It's just that these new-fangled electric starters are for sissies. I don't hold with 'em y'know.
  12. JeremyAldermartenQC

    P38 ABS removal? Just wondered if it's been done.

    Can the P38 be fitted with a starting handle?:rolleyes:
  13. JeremyAldermartenQC

    P38 ABS removal? Just wondered if it's been done.

    It merely occurred to me that the braking system is just another P38 complication like the air suspension, the BECM and HEVAC. If I'm honest, I'd like the car better without all that gubbins! Mine is on springs, at least. I'm aware that for some, that is a ruination of the vehicle. I suppose...
  14. JeremyAldermartenQC

    P38 ABS removal? Just wondered if it's been done.

    The P38 braking system is new to me. The ABS system is integrated with the master cylinder and power assistance. Has anyone ever removed the whole system and replaced it with a conventional master cylinder and vacuum servo. I appreciate that an exhauster pump or vacuum pump would be required to...
  15. JeremyAldermartenQC

    P38A 'ABS pump pressure sensor fault'

    I've looked in the Tech section, but the dropbox for the Rave manual doesn't work any more.
  16. JeremyAldermartenQC

    P38A 'ABS pump pressure sensor fault'

    Fortunately the switch I've ordered, Mark Piercy, was only £8.50 from: https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/xbk100170-Range-Rover-P38-Brake-light-pedal-switch-1996-to-2001/290621647832?ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&_trksid=p2057872.m2749.l2649 Which is strange because the same seller has the same...
  17. JeremyAldermartenQC

    P38A 'ABS pump pressure sensor fault'

    I've got the cruise working again. I'd pushed the plunger in! Didn't know what I'd done. Went out, took switch out, pulled plunger, clickety-click, 'Aah!' Put it back. Bingo. Brake lights not stuck on anymore.
  18. JeremyAldermartenQC

    P38A 'ABS pump pressure sensor fault'

    How do I get to the Tech. section?
  19. JeremyAldermartenQC

    P38A 'ABS pump pressure sensor fault'

    Thanks for all replies. I'm on it when I can be! I've ordered a switch.