1. C

    Rear axle ball joint

    Well thank you for all the tips - as you can see I managed to get it done. Took about 2hrs - bolts came out with the breaker bar and didn’t shear (thank god) knocked them out nice and easy. Had a little trouble getting the ball joint to dislodge but a little heat from the blow torch loosened it...
  2. C

    Rear axle ball joint

    Thanks guys I will try and post some before and after pictures of hopefully my success, over the coming weeks....
  3. C

    Rear axle ball joint

    Thanks guys - yes purchased the ball joint and fulcrum all in one so hopefully won’t need too much fiddling and the press. The Rust and corrosion... I know! I am getting some welding done this week then will be treating all the corrosion etc. Made sense to do that first. Any tips on the best...
  4. C

    Rear axle ball joint

    So replacing the rear axle ball joint tomorrow, will be my first major ish job on the defender since i got her. Anyone done this one and got any tips for me before i start? Thanks
  5. C

    What have you done on your 90/110/130 today?

    Nice and easy Speedo Cable replacement...
  6. C

    Rear exhaust mounting bracket

    Yeh I know totally f****d - was like it when i purchased it. TBF this is the worst bit, the rest of the vehicle is pretty sound.
  7. C

    Rear exhaust mounting bracket

    Hi folks, I need to replace the exhaust mounting bracket on my defender 90. I cant seem to find a mounting that looks similar to the one that has been used previously, and as a novice DIY'er I am not in the habit of fashioning something.. Can anyone suggest the best replacement for this from the...
  8. C

    Defender 90 (1990) TD Ignition Key Snapped

    Thats great thank you, i didn't realise you needed to select the appropriate forum before you could post a new thread. Appreciate the help and the screen shots mate! Jon
  9. C

    Defender 90 (1990) TD Ignition Key Snapped

    Yeh sorry a new thread about something different.
  10. C

    Defender 90 (1990) TD Ignition Key Snapped

    Sorry for the random message back on this thread - BUT, I cant seem to find a way to write a new post? I have seen a few people ask the same thing, but when I go onto New Posts, I have no option to create one?? I can only see a way to start conversations.. Sorry guys - any help? Thanks
  11. C

    Indicators working both sides at same time :(

    I know this is an old thread but I have exactly the same issue now on my 90, all the indicators flash and they are original bulbs not LED. I take it the only way to sort is the resistors solution from reading through - unless in the last 9 years someone has found another way??
  12. C

    Defender 90 (1990) TD Ignition Key Snapped

    Thanks, managed my first few runs out in it - wow it’s different.. steering has a lot of play, and need a good foot on the brake to spring it to life.. all good fun tho... will definitely take some getting used to!!
  13. C

    Defender 90 (1990) TD Ignition Key Snapped

    Thrilled to announce that I have found a very helpful locksmith who has managed to cut me a new key... so I can now start her up and I imagine wait for the next problem. Fingers crossed a slightly more manageable one. Can I just say, as a new member I have heard great things about the folk of...
  14. C

    Defender 90 (1990) TD Ignition Key Snapped

    Thanks, I am going to go and try that today as well - fingers crossed. Jon
  15. C

    Defender 90 (1990) TD Ignition Key Snapped

    Looks like this at the moment?? Thinking about trying to glue it together... or even see if someone can cut a new one from it??
  16. C

    Defender 90 (1990) TD Ignition Key Snapped

    Thanks guys, really appreciate the help and support. Hoping to enjoy the whole process - just thought I might get to use the thing a little before it was in this position! Thanks again. Jon
  17. C

    Defender 90 (1990) TD Ignition Key Snapped

    Thanks for that detailed reply - it’s very much appreciated. How long would you say a job like this would take? Is it worth trying to do myself as a novice - or would you recommend getting a local garage to do it? That might sound a bit of a cop out - but I was really hoping to not have a job...
  18. C

    Defender 90 (1990) TD Ignition Key Snapped

    Thanks for the welcome and reply - I think I am going to require lots of assistance over the next few months - so i appreciate your knowledge and guidance. I spoke to the bloke i bought it from (a dealer up north) and he sent me the link for this https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/220692153869...
  19. C

    Defender 90 (1990) TD Ignition Key Snapped

    HELP - just taken delivery of my second hand Defender, its the first one I have owned, and its not started well. I have snapped the ignition Key.... I have ordered a new Ignition Barrell and Steering lock, but as a novice (very).. I am not sure how I am going to go about replacing the old...