1. willo

    Td4 auto no drive whatsoever??

    continue: only in urban traffic it was tricky. When I arived at destination I stopped the car and started it up again and all seemed normal, on the way back home on Friday everything seemed ok again, no more problems nor funny codes/warnings. Anyway now the battery is disconnected and the leads...
  2. willo

    Td4 auto no drive whatsoever??

    Hi all, small update. I went to the garage but the mechanic was not able to connect to the box through the plug under the dashboard, as I had to go on a midweek trip 100 miles away (4 days of bikecycling with 30 members of the senior club I'm a member of) the week after he said he would change...
  3. willo

    Td4 auto no drive whatsoever??

    Hi Mike and Stuart, Thanks for the welcome and the advice, I thought it was the oil but wanted to ask before making appointment to do an oilchange. Thanks again and I hope to be able more often to jump in on the forum again. Grtz to all.
  4. willo

    Td4 auto no drive whatsoever??

    Hi all, it's been for ages I haven't been around anymore, living 80 % of the time with my girlfiend and no internet available, the 20 % I'm home too busy keeping things in order. A big hallo to all anyway, and I have a question (of course, why would you otherwise log in again you .....:D:D)...
  5. willo

    Whiper problems.

    Hi all, heard this week that the problem is probably caused by a burned contact in the wipermotor, there are apparently 3 sliding contacts in it and most likely the first one is burned, that is why, as IanTeign does, you first go to the higher speed(s) you "bypass" the burned-in first...
  6. willo

    Whiper problems.

    That's right, I think to remember that I've read something, many moons ago:D,that it can be a problem with the stop position of the wiper on the wipermotor. Guess that if I'd like to have it work allright I'll have to go to the garage and have the motor replaced. My "beast"'s birthday or the day...
  7. willo

    Whiper problems.

    Hi all, thanks for the responses and I use in fact "Berner KS 400" contact cleaner, I said WD40 as that is more commonly known. It looks as more and more people have the same problem but none ever mentioned it, seems to be the same as when I for the first time mentioned that spinning down noise...
  8. willo

    Whiper problems.

    Thanks for the reply and I think I'll try some more WD40 in the steering column contacts as I did some years back, it seemed to have helped at that time so who knows it does it again ?? Tnx again and will cul.
  9. willo

    Whiper problems.

    Thanks for the reply and I think I'll try some more WD40 in the steering colum
  10. willo

    Whiper problems.

    Hi all, and hello, special hello to the older part of the people around here. It's been a while, quite a while, since I was here last but I'm in a completely different situation now and only half or even less than half of the time at home and very busy taking care of my girlfriend. I have a...
  11. willo

    td4 ran out of fuel,now wont start

    When I changed the fuelfilter on my 2001 Td4, many moons ago, I was not aware of any facts re bleeding and so as I always ran petrols before, so after changing I just started up the car and it worked ok from the start. Guess I've been more than lucky that day ??:D:D:D
  12. willo

    A Wish to all

    And always on a sneaky almost unnoticed way eh ??;)
  13. willo

    A Wish to all

    With festivities I meant christmas and new year you t*w*a*t*. No need to canvas for these things you mentioned, there'll be enough trattor boys like that without being notified on a forum. They seem to have a FaecesBook and twitter reseau of their own.
  14. willo

    A Wish to all

    That's not nice, after all not his fault that trattor boys are rather "slow" and not aware the year end with all the festivities is near.:D:D:D
  15. willo

    Happy Christmas

    Ja, ook vanwege mij een vrolijk en zalig kerstmis alsook mijn beste wensen voor een gelukkig en vooral gezond 2013 aan u allen en de familie.
  16. willo

    TD4 Oil filter removal

    Maybe not needed for you but if you have troubles to remove the oilfilter cap from over the unit so that you can get hold of the filter, I have to undo the tube in which the dipstick is located, a 10 mm bolt, then I can slightly push that tube aside and can the cap come through.
  17. willo

    Freelander Facebookpage

    If just facebook sites will exist in the futurre I'm going to be sad as I damn will not connect to that kind of ****.:violent: FACEBOOK
  18. willo

    Why is my Freelander td4 so damn slow!!!!!

    Blue smoke is burnt oil. Maybe when cold the cilinderrings not tight enough ??
  19. willo

    Ice and Snow - Enjoy!

    Back in the '70's of last century we used to go, in July and/or August, to Switzerland for our holidays, with the caravan to Silvaplana (near St.Moritz) and two years in a row, we got snowed in, around 30 cm of snow, 1st time in the middle of our stay so no problem, but the 2nd time it was the...
  20. willo

    TD4 EGR Blank

    Quack quack quack ........ (unless you block the vacuum "before" the egr solenoide).;)