1. F

    I'm Back.... like a low rent terminator.

    Right hopefully this works. This is the kit car...obviously, MNR Vortx RTIB. Fairly bog standard build. 2.0 silvertop Zetec Jenvy ITB's, Omex 600 controlling the show. Sierra type 9 gearbox, shafts and rear brakes. R888 tyres. Good fun. I don't acutally have any photos of the Plymouth. No it's...
  2. F

    I'm Back.... like a low rent terminator.

    First one is a kit car that Ive had for a while. Currently has another engine awaiting fitment. Just because something has oil pressure, if it doesn't sound right..... it's not. Second one is a 1968 Plymouth Fury affectionately known as the Yank Tank.
  3. F

    I'm Back.... like a low rent terminator.

    Evening all. It's offical. I have taken leave of my senses and after 6/7 years being Land Rover free I've gotten the itch back and I'm after number 4. I've had 2 300tdi Discos which were for offroading and green laning and an 04 TD5 landmark which went the other way and was washed nearly every...