1. auld duffer

    New project series 3

    No mickey take , I saw your comments as an insult to me as being a fraud and incompetent , and to the project being a ringer , a crime no less and another blight on my character. The one thing left these days thats exclusively mine is my integrity and I protect it fiercely . If Im sensitive...
  2. auld duffer

    New project series 3

    No ringers here , I consider your comments an insult. Should I have consulted you before embarking on the project, sought your permission perhaps? grow up.. Since you so horrified and sensitive to legitimate modifications I will delete the thread when I get a minute. Its unlikely I will be...
  3. auld duffer

    300tdi (uprated) turbo and manifold

    Thats a relief :) I wasnt to worried , but did get a wee bit concerned when the turbo was initially blamed, as you might imagine . It was interesting to pull it apart, never realised there was so little to them . There was some residue hard baked on the inner part of the turbo body , It felt...