1. LandyJazz

    Help! What is this clip called and where can I buy some?!?

    Hey guys! I’m missing some clips from the boot of the freelander (2003 td4) - it’s the retaining clip that the luggage hooks go into on the rear quarter trim panel. I’m going crazy searching the internet! I’ve attached a picture!
  2. LandyJazz

    Freelander 1 Boot Full of water - Clips needed!?

    Hi Guys Youve all been so really helpful so far with my multiple Freelander issues! So, Ive got a boot full of water - the recess where the tools sit - its literally swimming. After doing some online digging Ive remove the carpet and reset the boot seal which seems to have come away but...
  3. LandyJazz

    2003 Freelander TD4 rear tail lights not working

    Thank you so much! Honestly have been pulling my hair out! I would never have even questioned it myself without someone mentioning my lights were out - then doubting myself! :-)
  4. LandyJazz

    2003 Freelander TD4 rear tail lights not working

    Wow so just the bumper lights as tail lights? That seems so strange to me but thank you for clearing that up! They work when the brakes are applied but I get nothing for the tail lights. I will do some more digging now I know where to look! Thanks :-)
  5. LandyJazz

    2003 Freelander TD4 rear tail lights not working

    Hi! Thanks for your reply. Which lights should come on for normal night driving with the headlamps? My headlamps work but nothing illuminates in the rear. Thanks again!
  6. LandyJazz

    2003 Freelander TD4 rear tail lights not working

    Hi guys Really hoping someone can help, I’m at my wits end! So I’ve just been told that my rear lights are not working (normal lights for night). Reverse lights work, indicators work, fog lights work and brake lights work (top light and bottom lights - I’ve been told the main cluster doesn’t...