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    Just in case anyone's still following this thread, put my FL2 into White's (LR specialist in Edinburgh, brilliant guys btw) and they updated the gearbox software.Hey presto the problem has gone and gear change is as smooth as Connery with a martini.
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    Just picked up this thread, my 2013 Freelander 2 also experiencing same problem. Agian intermittent, jumping when shifting from Neutral to Drive and a fairly aggressive downshift from 4th to 3rd or 3rd to 2nd (can't really rell which). Now I think of it, never happens when cold, normally on...
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    Jack and brace

    Thanks, will look out for 19" one, but that's exactly what I need
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    Jack and brace

    For a split second I even wondered if that was worth trying
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    Jack and brace

    Thanks Nodge68, will have a forage on fleabay
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    Jack and brace

    Thanks all, confirmed what I thought really. Only had to use the goop inflator once on a previois car, it didnt work and resulted in expensive AA call out, never again! Anyone know of a good source for spare wheels and jacks/braces? Also I assume I can fit a full size spare in the boot floor as...
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    Gear Shift Lights not working

    Thanks but excuse my ignorance, how do I check that?
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    Gear Shift Lights not working

    Apologies, thought all that was in my biog stuff. It's a 2013 SD4 Dynamic
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    Gear Shift Lights not working

    Hi all, just noticed the little orange lights that indicate whether I'm in P-R-N-D aren't working on gear shift surround. Nothing major, just annoying. Can't find anything that looks like the appropriate fuse, so maybe a bulb replacement job?
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    Freelander 2 (LR2) Freelander 2 repair and maintenance manual

    Thanks Hippo, all sorted. I have now managed to find the blown fuse for my rear wiper!
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    Freelander 2 (LR2) Freelander 2 repair and maintenance manual

    Hi Hippo, you wouldn't happen to know where I can get a FL2 (2013) Owners Handbook do you? Previous owner seems to have forgotten to leave it in my glove box!
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    Jack and brace

    Just taken delivery of my 2013 FL2 Dynamic SD4 and on looking under the floor cover in the boot I can see a tyre inflation kit (which I was expecting) but there's no jack or wheel brace, is that right? Numpty question but can you inflate a flat tyre with the full weight of the car on it unjacked?
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    Freelander 2 Timing Belt interval

    Thanks Hippo, clarity at last. I'll get the belt and pump changed then. Was probably going to do it for peace of mind anyway, thanks
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    Freelander 2 Timing Belt interval

    Hi everyone, newbie member here! I'm on my 3rd Freelander 2, a 2013 SD4 Dynamic which I am super proud of. One thing that has always got my goat is the lack of definitive guidelines as to when timing belt, auxiliary belt and water pump needs changed. I have heard umpteen different intervals from...