1. LR Jack

    Series 3 Front Brake Problem

    New spring arrived £1.69 delivered from eBay seller:). Slightly shorter as hoped and the trailing edge clicked into the cylinder much more positively. A bit of jumping to conclusions though. The vehicle isn't on the road and it seems that all the wheels are dragging slightly I guess that a bit...
  2. LR Jack

    Series 3 Front Brake Problem

    Thanks for the very constructive replies. It may well be the spring and that will be the first thing to check when it arrives. It would only need to be a couple of millimetres shorter to make the difference. Again, thanks J
  3. LR Jack

    Series 3 Front Brake Problem

    Do restorations ever get finished? This project has been going for several years but there is always another little matter to deal with:(. S3 standard single leading shoe front brakes. I've replaced wheel cylinders, linings and drums. One original drum was perfect but the other was fairly...
  4. LR Jack

    Series 3 Starting Problems

    Series 3 diesel in the family from new. I have mimicked the starting procedure and it works fine with the new parallel heater plug upgrades. Clearly the current drain is much higher than the original series-type plugs plus ballast resistor and I really don't want to fuse the contacts in the...
  5. LR Jack

    Series 3 Starting Problems

    Thanks for the replies. In the meantime I tested one glow plug across the battery and got a very satisfactory effect! Then replaced said glowplug and got a loyal assistant to connect the the plugs directly to the battery while I started the engine. It started immediately but was still very...
  6. LR Jack

    Series 3 Starting Problems

    Hello everyone. After a long and slow restoration project I have been doing some work on the (2.1/4 diesel) engine , Head job really.. It never was an easy starter but now it is very difficult to start and when it does finally start it pollutes the the neighbourhood with clouds of bluish white...