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    Disco 3 (LR3) D3 Suspension Fault Codes - Help Please

    Hey Lynall and thank you again! I just confess the reply from @Nodge68 at the start has put a real downer on this. Your original post was that I should brace for over a grand just for the struts never mind the suspension has been on my mind. My business is in the automotive sector and while I...
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    Disco 3 (LR3) D3 Suspension Fault Codes - Help Please

    Hi Nodge and thank you for the reply and insight. I just sat in the garden with the girlfriend and read out your reply and with that the whole project has come to a grinding halt. The reason for the desire to be strict about costs is because we recently began a new company and times are very...
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    Hello all...noob(ish) from Plymouth...

    Hi all and thank you in advance for answering my questions. Not a virgin LR owner, have had a Defender 90 which I loved...had a Freelander I and II, both of which died unceremoniously and now I have learnt nothing and bought a Discovery 3 which is throwing out faults like a bouncer at 10pm...
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    Landrover Virgin From Plymouth

    Hi dude...also in Plymouth and may need help with my new Disco 3...you still in here?
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    Disco 3 (LR3) D3 Suspension Fault Codes - Help Please

    Picked up a 140,000m Disco 3 late last week and I love it. I made a quick post https://www.landyzone.co.uk/land-rover/bought-a-disco-3-yesterday-haaaalp.363876/#post-4975362 to outline the problems I was seeing, including the suspension bottoming out and hopping, then working just fine! Then...
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    Disco 3 (LR3) Bought A Disco 3 yesterday...haaaalp!

    Hi! Thank you for taking the time to give a long reply, I have read it out to my gf. Would reading the codes be likely to tell me if it is the compressor? How do I find out what make of compressor I have or are they interchangeable? The brakes reply I shall simply show to Paul (garage) on...
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    Disco 3 (LR3) Bought A Disco 3 yesterday...haaaalp!

    Hi Lynall, do you mean actual vermin like a rat??
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    Disco 3 (LR3) Bought A Disco 3 yesterday...haaaalp!

    Thanks for this its a great start. Would getting a code reader help me to confirm if its the pump? I can ask my mate to replace the control arms. When my muddy looked at it he actually mentioned specifically that it clearly has brand new disks and pads all round. Did you mean this could be...
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    Disco 3 (LR3) Bought A Disco 3 yesterday...haaaalp!

    Hello! So my partner has a horse, which needs to be boxed to a show or two now and then. So in our wisdom we decided to buy an old (06 Plate) Land Rover Discovery 3. The bodywork is nothing but stunning. Not a mark or scratch on it. 140,000m. Gorgeous! Before I launch with the list of problems...