1. C

    L322 in tank fuel pump

    Hi, Had a problem starting the car a couple of days ago. Drove car for 6 miles, no issues. Left if fou an hour or so. Got back in. Car won't start. No warning lights. Fuel gauge says half full. No fuel at filter. Put 10 litres in. Fuel gauge says 3/4 full. Car starts on 3rd attempt. Go to fill...
  2. C

    P38 windows not working

    The wires are right under your feet! you need to lift the plastic trim at the edge of the carpet and lift the carpet and sponge sould insulation. There is a thick bundle of wires covered in tape. They are in that lot somewhere. Mine were damaged due to being trodden on and water ingress due to...
  3. C

    P38 windows not working

    Just an update for anybody who is interested. I finally got round to looking at this problem at weekend and am happy to say everything is now working properly.:) The fault was corroded wiring under the carpet/insulation on both sides of the car. Heavy purple wire with blue stripe was badly...
  4. C

    P38 windows not working

    Thanks for the reply Datatek. I'll check it as soon as I can. I assume this is the motor power supply cable and not a data cable? I recall having 12 volts at the motor terminal which reverses polarity depending on the switch position, up or down. As there is 12 volts at the motor I'm assuming...
  5. C

    P38 windows not working

    Hi, can anybody help me with my front windows? Neither on them will move. When the switch is pressed the corresponding outstation can be heard to click (relay?) but nothing happens. The motors work fine as I have applied current directly from the battery and both windows can be moved up and...
  6. C

    Strange overheating problem!

    Hi, I have a very similar problem with my 1997 DSE. It overheats only when going uphill (long and steep ones) but I have noticed that if I select 2nd gear it will actually change up into third which means the engine is being heavily loaded. Also if I select 1st it will change up to second. Any...
  7. C

    dse cold starting problem

    Thanks. Replaced the leak off pipes on Thursday (although they looked ok with no signs of leaking) and so far so good.
  8. C

    dse cold starting problem

    Hi, has anybody had the following problem? Suddenly last week with no warning my p38 began misbehaving. When cold in the mornings it fires up then immediately cuts out and is a pig to start afterwards. When it does start it runs beautifully all day and doesn't fail to start until the next day. I...