1. T

    About a month ago the engine in my p38 began behaving like it was controlled by a ghost.

    Battery is fine, allways above 12.6 and earth connections are good
  2. T

    About a month ago the engine in my p38 began behaving like it was controlled by a ghost.

    I know, it's unfortunately not that simple, but thanks for the tip!
  3. T

    About a month ago the engine in my p38 began behaving like it was controlled by a ghost.

    Thank you! I all ready posted a requist in: https://www.landyzone.co.uk/forum/range-rover.10/ . And din´t get any helpful reply´s. It looks like nobody has ever had engine problem with those symptoms.All most every thing has been tried and I´m told that most likely this is a ecu related problem...
  4. T

    About a month ago the engine in my p38 began behaving like it was controlled by a ghost.

    Hi everyone! At the moment I´m living in Reykjavík Iceland and my name is Hjörtur Grjótgarð Sveinsson, but since my name is all most impossible for others then Icelander's to pronounce I use the name Tim, witch was given to me in Bangkok Thailand many years ago...