1. M

    Wiper Blades

    Hi All I have a couple of small problems. 53 plate TD4 1/ When I use the wiper on single wipe they some times stop befor the have returned to to their home postion. what is causeing this? how can I fix it? 2/Slight problem starting. Glow plug light never shows (not even for a second) car...
  2. M

    Centre consol lid

    Thanks Tinytdi That is what I thought. Radio has been in and out six times while the garage fixes it. Looks like they my have moved/lost this clip. Will check dealer and see if I can get a new one. Thanks again
  3. M

    Centre consol lid

    Hi Need some help advise. I have a 53 reg TD4 diesel. The centre console the bit between the seats. Well the lid part bangs when I go over a bump (jumps up and bangs down) I see there is a peice that sticks out and goes into a slot on the main console. but there is nothing to hold it. Looking at...