1. Laurensvh

    Disco 2 Rough idling TD5

    Thanks a lot for the input, but i'm gonna have this done by a professional :D. This stuff is not within my skillset and I dont wanna **** it up :p ending with costing more money because of something that's my own fault.. Gonna ask what it would cost when i'm at the guys workshop and hope he can...
  2. Laurensvh

    Disco 2 Rough idling TD5

    Yes I will! Only noticed it the other day, when I drive it hard I can hear a slight whistle now. Thaught it was the belt at first.. I'll keep you all posted on how it goes!
  3. Laurensvh

    Disco 2 Rough idling TD5

    I replaced injector washers and O-rings my self 2 weeks ago. double and triple checked the injector clearance :D, "cam in highest position, tighten all the way down and loosen 1 turn " .
  4. Laurensvh

    Disco 2 Rough idling TD5

    Ok, gonna start with the manifold and a compression test then. What are the chances of 4 bad injectors at once and starting at some point instantly? I'm starting to look closer to the warped manifold now (since you say it might also cause the injector unbalance). I pushed the disco pretty hard...
  5. Laurensvh

    Disco 2 Rough idling TD5

    Yeah will ask the shop i'm going to next week if they can do that, I don't have the equipment to do that. But that could also be a cause of the unbalanced injectors? (so many possible causes.. :p )
  6. Laurensvh

    Disco 2 Rough idling TD5

    Yes 100% checked all and replaced one that had small cracks at the end where the hoseclamp is, the rest is still in great condition.
  7. Laurensvh

    Disco 2 Rough idling TD5

    Hey, I've tried a different ECU, the primairy problem was still there.. didn't pay attention to the fuel and coolant temps when the new ECU was in tho.. Ok, if the warped manifold my be the cause i'm gonna have that fixed first, has to be done anyway and driving with a warped manifold isnt the...
  8. Laurensvh

    Disco 2 Rough idling TD5

    I think i measured up to 60° on the fuel lines.
  9. Laurensvh

    Disco 2 Rough idling TD5

    Hahah ok i need to polish my excel skills i guess :D
  10. Laurensvh

    Disco 2 Rough idling TD5

    Allright! I changed the fuel temp last night and did a test run. Original problem is still present :). Fuel and Coolant temp stay about 30-40° degrees apart, I took a laser thermometer at it and the coolant is pretty accurate but the fuel temp seems higher then the sensor shows (the new one!)...
  11. Laurensvh

    Disco 2 Rough idling TD5

    Hi, Charts are awesome! Did you make those with the nanocom CSV viewer or something else? I can't install the nanocom software on my laptop (work laptop and the thing sees it as possible harmfull...) Thx!
  12. Laurensvh

    Disco 2 Rough idling TD5

    Loud and clear ;). So they both rise pretty consistent, changing the FT today :). Thx!
  13. Laurensvh

    Disco 2 Rough idling TD5

    Yeah definitly changing that ;). But what would be the timing the fuel temp rises? Or is this consistent with the coolant temp?
  14. Laurensvh

    Disco 2 Rough idling TD5

    Ok, when my coolant temp reaches 85° fuel temp is 45° (as in the file i shared earlier). Probably should be closer together then, engine was 'hot' when i did these readings.
  15. Laurensvh

    Disco 2 Rough idling TD5

    Allright, gonna try to do it this evening then! Can still swap the new sensor in the new FPR if that needs changing later..
  16. Laurensvh

    Disco 2 Rough idling TD5

    Oh ok.. might change it before I go to that shop then.. I'll have to do the air bleed procedure after changing it i think?
  17. Laurensvh

    Disco 2 Rough idling TD5

    Oh right! I'm gonna pick up a laser thermometer later at my dads! I'll do the temp measurement this evening then, but the difference in temp would cause the issues right?
  18. Laurensvh

    Disco 2 Rough idling TD5

    Oh right :confused:. Yes I have one for that as well. I also made an appointment at a land rover specialized shop nearby and we are gonna check the fuel regulator and fuel pressure as well first.. since I recently started hearing a fast rattle/ticking around the FPR that has become a new suspect...
  19. Laurensvh

    Disco 2 Rough idling TD5

    Hey, Mine allready has a stage 1 map wich is doing fine. From now on i'm gonna try genuine as well ;). Thx
  20. Laurensvh

    Disco 2 Rough idling TD5

    UPDATE 2: Parts delivery came waaay early :D !! I replaced the injector wiring loom from new oem to new genuine, replaced the AAP sensor to genuine, replaced the coolant temp sensor and replaced the DCV. Was very stoked to fire the disco back up.. Got in, turned the key and nothing really...