1. H

    Freelander 1 2006 TD 4 free to Freelander nut.

    Any pictures. May help with getting someone interested but best of luck to you agree it would be a real shame to scrap one love my FL 1
  2. H

    Freelander 1 Tailgate Handle

    Those prices are pretty high so I'm gonna look at just repairing the current one without damaging the paintwork. I'll have a look back at previous discussions see if there are any tips. Thanks for the help.
  3. H

    Freelander 1 Tailgate Handle

    I had just got back from a day of work and went to unload the boot space and as I opened the door the handle fell of into my hand. I was wondering if it's possible to reuse the same handle or if I should buy another. If I should buy another any suggestions of where I can get one for a good price?